MICHA - Dead end of a Dream

I’d consider the Dead End of a dream as music from the Midwest. MICHA spends just about a minute coddling the audience to a point of relaxation with a similar style to a live performance folk song. Then, all of the sudden, MICHA damn-near explodes with a raw and raspy vocal pickup where he dives into the real meat and potatoes of this passionate love song.
Noak Hellsing - Good News

Noak said: Swear we’re going to hit a wall before we hit the brakes,” all while having 200 on his dash. Noak has become such a riveting voice within the pop rock genre. Hellsing uses his creative imagery to explain what his love life consists of. The good news is, this song is out now!
Avara - runnin’round / flawless
Imagine having a crystal for a windpipe? Hyperbole, but Avara makes the concept as realistic as it can get. The First half runnin’round was at a similar tempo to a Ginuwine's Pony- even a similar style. This blends seamlessly into the more brass-based outro they refer to as flawless...
Goldie - The Angel and the Saint
The instrumentation served its purpose here, but you have to lock in on the lyrics. "I'm an angel, but I'm no saint" encapsulates a complex self-perception that combines a recognition of positive qualities or angelic behavior with an acknowledgment of imperfection or human fallibility. This concept reminds me of a Born Sinner Album by J.Cole or Robert W. Smith’s 4 part movement TheDivine Comedy…A thought provoking Single.
Ericalisa - In The Hoodie On Your Sleeve
Airy, light, Crisp, and full of flavor. It's almost like I’m describing a potato chip, but ironically I am referencing the tasteful characteristics of Ericalisa. What I did not appreciate is the gatekeeping of who the male artist was on this track. The quick verse ending with some vocal vamping was similar to how 6LACK composes his features. Show yourself!
Joshua Constantine - Sister Sadie ( Horace Silver Cover)
Jazz is one of the few genres where the majority of a song can be unique every time it is performed. The Horace silver Cover can be identified from the first 50 seconds. You then hear the song breakout into multiple conversational solos. The one that stole the show was the Piano solo. The planist added extreme character with clashing notes, and whimsical references to other tunes within their solo.
Noak Hellsing - All Day
We take pride in making sure every cutting edge track is in no particular order. But Noak Hellsing made another record that must be shared immediately. The soft spoken tone filled my headphones as if they were LITERALLY in my ear. All Day creates an environment that is reminiscent of somewhere you can stay all day. I swear I could hear rainfall in the background as well.
Mak Ro - Hero
“Can a hero get a little love?” The best part of this track is the Hybrid blend of Retro Soul and the new school drum loops to make a new song sound classic. I recall My Love by Justin Timberlake having similar Drums and still being a hit to this day
Inka x MixedByJD - Damage
You can tell how long an artists has been working and developing a sound with a particular artist. The way their songs are mixed will have character unique to them. What stands out here is the production. The tone of Inka’s voice actually matches the 808’s so well, "Damage" has a bass tone similar to how 808 Mafia's
Helmer Noel - Yesterdays
This song could be a resume for Helmer. Before the 3 and a half minutes is up, Helmer exercises so many different vocal styles in this one song. Soon as you think they are going to settle down, the instrumentation picks up to double time while maintaining a relaxing environment. A perfect song for a weekend inside the house.
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