Sara Diamond- Say My Name Again (Track Review)

Written by Kayla Allen

I don’t know about you, but I have had my fair share of break ups and they are never a walk in the park.

Sara Diamond is letting us in on her personal experience in her single “Say My Name Again.” Just the title itself makes my stomach drop a little. “Could it be different, could it be something I can’t imagine, could it be so real, could I wrap my arms ‘round you, say sorry?” It’s that feeling when you know in your heart things are over, but you are still willing to try whatever you have to, with hopes your partner may feel the same. Sara is putting it all on the table, she even describes this song as the “final cry” for a do over, after everything seemed to be up in flames. You can hear her intentions through her straightforward lyrics and slowed harmonies. The romance may have been messy, but Sara has turned into such beautiful cry for others to relate to. 

“Say My Name Again” is a real heartbreak ballad from Sara Diamond, and it helps the listener reflect. I can’t wait to hear what masterpieces can come from her triumph! Add “Say My Name Again” to your heartbreak playlist and remember sometimes you may just need a do-over.

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