Written by Miles Monroe II
Ladies, if you are trying to find the right song to play when seducing your man, Private Show is the right song for that bedroom playlist. SAGEALINA displays her seductive side on this track, adding a pop element that is for sure to bring attention to it. We know that we have our playlist that sets the mood for the night, songs that are guaranteed to turn each other on. She hit the nail on the head with Private Show, a song that sparks confidence for females in such a romantic setting.
Without having to explicitly speak on her body shape or what she can do sexually, SAGEALINA still provides all the sexiness needed on Private Show. That’s an interesting element because of what we are used to, hearing and claiming is "romantic." It’s a nice switch of pace, R&B-Pop sound that can be played in the club or in the comfort of your own home- with rose pedals that lead to the living room. SAGEALINA has the talent to go to the next level and this song is just the beginning. Hopefully, we are in line for a video treatment of Private Show, and a full project as well.
Take a Listen:
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