Reported by Imani Wj Wright
When you delve into art, whether it be fine art, film, or music, what do you hope to achieve? Is it simply entertainment? Comfort? Therapy? I think I have one- an escape from reality. Art has the capability of being so enthralling, so indulging, that even while sitting in your living room, or riding in a car, you can be pulled into the word of the creator.
A bit ironically, Bogart’s latest project Reality Check has taken me out of reality. The duo, constructed by artists Marin and Jaystylez gives a full breadth of musicality on this record. The variation in sound and aura from song to song makes for such an emotional and unpredictable journey. Take the opening track “I Dreamed That She Was Gone” for example. The samples and soulful soundscape pulls the listener in and prepares them for the experience. Its energy and boombap-esque percussion wakes your senses and gives us that jumpstart.
The transitions on this project are so professional and clean. There is a slight juxtaposition there as the tracks are simultaneously raw and at times lofi in their production. It's a solid mix of both worlds. Cuts like “Salute”, and “Noir”, are something you could hear HipHop legend GZA spit some classic bars over. While tracks such as “Gone” and “When Computers Were Human” give you the mental space to ponder and/or reminiscence. Whether that reminiscing is in a positive or dark light is up to you. I’ve already experienced both sides of the spectrum.
Though, beyond the music, this piece is a story of steadfastness, determination, and focused grit. There isn’t a huge label or massive budget behind this project. Nonetheless, this sound was still produced on an immensely high level. To give an overview of the means in which the creators of this project come from- Marin and Jaystylez met in an unemployment line. Man of Met, an artist who can be heard rapping on several songs throughout the project, is currently living out of his car. Nothing seems to be getting in the way of their creativity and their pursuit of greatness.
Reality Check is set to release on February, 22, 2022.
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