Written by Imani Wj Wright
Ah, yes. This track gives me fond memories of beautiful times.
Before I was born, my father would play Miles Davis' album, Tutu. "Imani, what do you mean by that?" You read that correctly. My dad would read books, and intentionally play Tutu while I was still in my mother's womb. And to no surprise, Miles Davis is my favorite artist. There has to be some science behind that. Nonetheless, even though Jazz was introduced to me as an embryo, I didn't have any established personal experiences with the genre until I stepped foot on the Wayman Tisdale Smooth Jazz Cruise at the age of 8. Legends were on-board, Gerald Albright, George Duke, Jeffrey Osborne... My infatuation with Jazz had just begun.
Natural Order, Thank you for the reminder. Now, let's get into the song.
When this piece begins, the keys have such a fierce and melodic tone. It gives you some energy, but does not lack beauty. It's inviting. I was eager to see where this track would take me next. The track’s progression did noy disappoint. In came a subtle but funky bassline, and absolute killer guitar. Once the percussion comes into play, this track is a full-on head knocker.
Though this is an "instrumental," I couldn't see vocals fitting on this piece. Every instrument had its own space, and potency throughout. For my ears, this is an astounding composition, finished as is.
I'll be listening to this for a while.
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