Meet CEO/Entrepreneur Zach Powers Owner (SwanoDown Report)

Reported by SwanoDown 

Zach Powers is a millionaire cannabis entrepreneur bases in Los Angeles, CA. He owns a store in Downtown Los Angeles called Grasshoppers since 2015. Zachary Taylor Powers., also known by his business name Grasshopper, is an American entrepreneur, activist & store owner in Los Angeles, CA. Since 2015 he has been an influential cannabis dispensary brand owner by always sharing knowledge and motivation for other cannabis entrepreneurs to pursue their own cannabis ventures.

Zach Powers is making major moves in Hollywood.  Zach can be seen with prominent celebrities such as Rosa Acosta, Mr. Capone, Chinese Best Friend (Michael Blackson's business partner) and the one and only DJ Carisma. Sky is the limit for this young CEO/Entrepreneur. Zach Powers has been able to  accomplish various other succesful businesses such as his podcast and clothing brand also named  Grasshoppers. Please click here to visit his merch:

Zach Powers also hosts his own Podcast where he educates his listeners about the cannabis industry.  Zach says  "The reason why I started this podcast is because I think there is a real lack of education out there in the space, I think that there is a lot of misinformation and I think that bootleg has got a big hold of the black market." Zach invites differnt influential guests to dish out diffent topics such as how to build your following, adjusting through the drought market and what light dep is. Zach really takes his time to give free valuable quality education to his audience in the cannabis industry.

To find out more about Zach Powers and his store Grasshoppers please visit his website:  Also, plesae follow him on both  Instagram accounts at:  and


  • Chris

    Hey!! How do I order

  • Zach t powers

    A guy that feels empowered by hurting woman, is a BITCH straight the fuck up. You look like a bitch.

  • Zachary T Powers

    Low life woman beating coward POS.

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