Matilda Mann- Japan (Track Review)

Written by Laura Jackson 

Matilda Mann is a name that we all need to know. Her voice is so serene, the whole song is a vibe we all need. What song you may ask? Japan, one of Mann's latest singles, from her EP, Because I Wanted You to Know. I received this song at 2:48 AM, and since then, Matilda's discography is all I've listened to. Matilda hails from London bringing us this song that will have us all thinking. 

In Japan, Mann sings: “talking in the rain, letting it all wash away,” as in she’s letting it all go. Now I don’t know about any of you but letting things wash away, or letting them go helps us grow as human beings. Throughout the song she becomes more empowered by her words, creating a more powerful vibe but keeping her tone low and steady. The optimism of letting go becomes clear in her voice, as if she is literally letting her feelings go. The emotion is raw and clear in the song as she talks about this person, of going to Japan. 

If you happen to be on Matilda's Instagram, you see that her love of art goes further than music and that she is quite memorable. 

Mann also writes about “watching it all from the passenger seat” and “the nightlife and stories like these” like she's letting us in on her memories about this person but not revealing any real details. I can hear and feel her power in this single and I recommend it to all of you.

So add it to your playlist of relaxing soft vibes, listen to Japan on replay. Trust me you'll be missing out on onr of the next top artists.

Japan by Matilda Mann:


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