Kalisway- Durag (Track Review)

Written by Grayson Jones 

I have to say, the concept of this song is long overdue. Someone had to make a song like this because- DISCLAIMER: Sabotaging the process of beautiful hair is not condoned by any durag users! 

Kalisway is the name. She is the genius behind Durag, and many other dope songs! She is one of those artists whose personality is leaked into her music no matter the message. 

"Durag,"  is about a significant other that stresses you out. That one special someone that you love dearly but has access to ‘push your buttons.’ The pet peeve of choice being a durag in this case.

When I first heard this song, I thought: “why so happy?” Until I followed Kali on instagram, I would not have found out about Kalisway. 

All the way from Toronto is a bright, witty, black artist with a classic 90’s sense of fashion. From what I saw, she is very aware of the world around her. What makes her a truly special artist is her ability to take a situation as bleak or as troublesome as any and “Make music that feels like *insert palm tree emoji.* I'm not sure if her cognition operates at a higher level than ours or she is simply that talented, but wherever this world heads from here, there will always be a positive insight on Kali’s side of things.  

The song speaks for itself, some instruments are funky, and easy on the ear, there's nothing hard to understand about this song. It's meant for you to feel good, so do that! Kali’s Durag is out right now- and keep your hands off of it! 

Check it out: 


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