Reported by Imani Wj Wright
When your mind drifts to thinking about your favorite artists, what words often come to mind? Elusive? Fun? Talented? Well, how about prolific?
There's a beauty found within consistency and attrition. An innate doggedness and steadfastness is needed to progress in a field such as music, where there may not always be a laid out or conventional way to reach success. The volume in which an artist can continuously create has been impressive for a while now. If you go back to Mozart, not only was his work impressive, but the amount of work he was able to produce was/is viewed as astounding,
So here we have Kash Vegan, a dedicated artists who has managed to release 8 projects in the span of one month. Don't believe me? Go check out him out on your preferred streaming services. As one may think that an artist like Kash is putting out "cookie-cutter" tracks, you'd be wrong. On his project, Think & Grow Rich Volume 1, you can hear the diversity in his approach on song's like Success and Level Up. Major respect for a guy who is pushing himself to the limits in which he seem to be.
Kash wants to "motivate and inspire people to live their dream life."
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