gdg gd- Mal (Track Review)
Written by Imani Wj Wright
If we weren't transparent, we wouldn't have been able to get as far as we have as a publication. So let me start off by saying this, when I first laid my ears on gdg gd's record "Mal", I was at first a bit turned off by what I was hearing. But, oh let me tell you, that changed. It felt too raw, too underproduced, but that ended up being the reason I fell in love with it!
The bass line on this record is something you'd hear on the level of the Arctic Monkeys. It captures you with its strength, melodic prowess, and sense of unstoppable movement. Gd's vocals on this joint are in their own pocket too. You're listening to an artist who has no problem with captivating you the way HE wants to. His hook is sung fearlessly, and with immense control. Well-tempered through the mania.
Check it out
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