ARZLEE- Close (Track Review)

Written by Imani Wj Wright 

There are some songs that you never forget hearing for the first time. I can distinctively remember being 11 years old watching Queen perform "Bohemian Rhapsody" in the back of my parents' car on my portable DVD player. I thought Freddie Mercury's live intro was one of the most beautiful and artistic things I've ever seen, and i still do. When i hear that record today, I am often taken back to that moment. 

Now, as I sit at my dining room table, listening to ARZLEE's "Close" for the fifth time, I will forever know what I was feeling and where I was when I heard his intro. My mind was drifting into a semi dark place, and I was quickly comforted by the undisturbed keys and vocals that propel from this composition. What I truly appreciate about ARZLEE is his dedication to the minimalist sound of this record. There isn't any wavering away from its stripped back sound and as we experience his fearless performance, his raw emotional display cannot be missed. Even the backing vocals on "Close" are positioned with clear intent and vitality.

His musicianship and vocal abilities are in the forefront of this 2-side release. 'Open" which is the other song on this release has a bit more production and percussion, but still holds ARZLEE's voice accountable to carry the record. This brother is a true artist, and I look forward to his growth.

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