Written by Grayson Jones
How interesting can one be through sound? Andreas Vey, conducts a soothing male voice with a range that gives me Justin Timberlake vibes.
River, has a drum too deep to pull from your chest. Tapped with a vivace tempo of liveliness- it makes me want to run with a purpose in the morning. The key to success lies in your everyday routine. Songs with drive like River, push a refreshing water vast, through not only my ears, but my drive.
This song feels like an alternative. "River," captures it's genre so well. I visualize myself smiling somewhere in Paris with a loved one.
Andreas' vocal delivery is crispy, with very little hesitation to reach for notes that tap the emotions. His singing is very articulate. Andrey's syllable control throughout his lyrics show a serious level of focus. This makes it easy for a listener to become lost within his tempos. Follow Andreas Vey on instagram (andreasvey) and you will see consistency throughout his music.
Destined to do great things, you can almost guarantee you'll be seeing Andreas in your TV, radio, malls, concerts , and more. This is music in the right direction.
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