Reported by SwanoDown
The care that Andii Styron shows for the world looms large over her growing discography. Whether that deals with direct love or a greater compassion for the community, the tenderness she evokes feels palpable. Her message, no matter the circumstance, is of rising above whatever problems the world presents.
Problems vary depending on her exact stance. Sometimes these are domestic disputes, the kind that sour relationships. Quite universal they have their own place, and indeed have their own history within her chosen genres. The rock aspect has a timelessness as well for she makes sure to sidestep trends for an approach much more classic. Little in the way of synthesizers, or otherwise appears in these compositions, for they all play it straight from the heart, thanks in part to her producer Glenn Rockenstein’s uncanny ability to channel her raw energy.
On the larger side of things, for those dealing with societal issues, she proves to be well informed. The ability to take apart arguments of the opposing side, to show the blatant lying done on a daily basis, feels enormous and strangely soothing. With a vast amount of misinformation, it is doubly refreshing to hear a message that is completely unfiltered, unbiased, and tells the straight facts.
Andii Styron holds nothing back in her storytelling and the experience is outright electrifying.
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